


Tulsa OK

July 7-10, 2005

At the
brand new

Casino and Resort

Don’t make your reservations quite yet. Jim is firming up the
for our
rates, which are
much cheaper than what you’ll see on their website.



  Days Till Reunion 2005




We strongly encourage
planning to
attend to fill out the

Reunion Response Form
. This does NOT mean you are obligated to attend. By doing this, you are NOT making a reservation.
We simply want an estimated head count so that we can properly prepare to accommodate all those who might possibly attend.
We will also be listing the names of all those planning to attend (unless you don’t want your name listed).

For more info, email or call Jim Duke, REUNION 2005 Chairman

[email protected] 918-789-2911

You may
also call or email
Brad Jimerson (716) 354-5805

Dave Reinheimer
(314) 846-9494


Brad Jimerson and Dave Reinheimer have worked hard, spending lots of time/postage and making phone calls
attempting to contact
every B-2/501st member who was in RVN during 67-72. PLEASE email Dave or
Brad with your address if you are a new
contact OR if you have moved, so we can keep you on our mailing list. If you haven’t received ANYTHING from us, you are
NOT on our list and we would appreciate contact information from you. Don’t forget to send us new phone and email
information also!

Below is the list of those planning to attend.



Mr & Mrs Brad Jimerson 67-68
Richard Shepherd 67-68
Mr & Mrs Tony Zaikis 67-68

Mr & Mrs John Heil 68

Mr & Mrs Leo “Doc” Flory 68-69
Mr & Mrs Jim Julien 68-69
Mr & Mrs Pat O’Leary 68-69
Mr & Mrs Dave Reinheimer 68-69
Mr & Mrs Luther Starks 68-69
Mr & Mrs Mel Waite 68-69

Mr Don “Doc” Betzen 69-70
Mr Gerald DeBoy 69-70
Mr & Mrs Charles “Chuck” German 69-70
Mr Doug Grier & Son 69-70
Mr & Mrs John “Doc” Marks 69-70
Mr & Mrs Larry Parkhurst & Daughters 69-70

Mr Don Otto 70-71



There are a lot of people working hard at making this reunion our
biggest and best ever!

We want to see YOU there!

DOUG GRIER has taken it upon himself to call
many of our B-2/501st comrades to give them his
PERSONAL invitation. He says his goal is that we double the size of our 2003 reunion. WHAT DO YOU THINK, guys?
CAN WE DO IT? DOUG thinks we can!



City of Tulsa Online
Tulsa Insite
Tulsa Metro Chamber

Are you a member of AARP? If so,
US Airways offers discounts. Ask for “AARP Savers
You can also get an AARP discount with the following Car Rental Agencies:



Here are some websites to check out for those planning on FLYING to the reunion:

Cheap Tickets Inc
Expedia Travel

Or sign up for the Travelocity.com Fare Watcher e-mail.
They will send you an email with fares so you can keep track of when the rates are lowest and then you will be able to
LOCK IN to that fare. Here are the instructions:

  • Click onto “My Stuff” at the top right of the home page.
  • Login if asked with your log-in name and password.
    Next, select “My Fare Watcher” from the blue bar across the top of the screen.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your own personal Fare Watcher and click on “Save My Changes”.







Reunions have been held almost yearly since 1990. Reunion
sites have been: Wash DC-1990, Colorado Springs CO-1992, St Louis MO AND Victoria TX-1993, Ft Campbell KY-1994,
Victoria TX-1995, Red Wing MN-1997, Ft Campbell KY-1998, Ft Campbell KY-2000, St Louis MO-2001, Ft Campbell KY-2001,
Kansas City MO-2003










REUNION 1993 – St Louis MO

REUNION 1993 – Victoria TX



Do you have an idea for a future reunion location and would you be willing to coordinate the reunion details?
Contact Dave Reinheimer or Brad Jimerson



Credit for Tet Survivor Graphic
Design ~ George Crofton

Cathy Jimerson



It isn’t friendship. We
all have friends. You can go to a company picnic or convention and you will not feel the same emotion in the air as when
you attend a veteran’s reunion.

It is something beyond regular friendship. It is the knowing that you and they have
“been to Hell and back”. It is a deep rooted emotion that binds you together. It is the knowledge that when things were
tough, you and your buddies stuck it out and lived through it. You can attend high school reunions, college reunions,
company conventions, the whole civilian works but there isn’t the “band of brothers” feeling that is felt when combat
buddies get together!

You and your buddies may have less hair on top and a lot more inches around the beltline, but
deep within all of you is the same comradeship that you had during those horrible days of war. Whether it is 10 years or
50 years, when combat buddies meet, it seems like yesterday! All of the memories begin to assemble in your mind; memories
that you thought had been pushed back into the recesses of your memory bank. “What ever happened to…” and “Remember
when…” You try not to let on that these old veterans mean a lot to you, but by the time Auld Lang Syne is played and the
flags furled and the station wagon is packed, there is a lump in your throat and a tear in your eye as you part company
with the men who once lived and fought beside you.

You tell your wife, “Damn, it was good to see them again.”
And it was!
Ole Charley might have gained 50 or so pounds, but he sure could fire that machine gun! “Chief” looked
almost as young and fit as he did when he crawled up and gave you first aid under fire. “Danny Boy” is now almost bald,
but he was quite a sergeant in those days and “Jimmy” the “Pollock” gets around pretty good with one glass eye and one arm.

Yes, memories flood your mind as you head for home. No one knows the feeling except those of us who were there.
You wonder if you will ever see any of them again. Combat was Hell and you have many terrible memories of death and
destruction but the memory of total camaraderie with men who shared that Hell will forever be embedded in your heart.
There is no friendship like that of combat buddies. It is something that lasts forever!

Author Unknown

Visitor # since


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