B-2/501st ORIGINALS Reunion Oct 2012 at Bayside TX


From left to right front row: Alden Stanley, Mike Lewellen, Chuck Maguire, Willie Smith, Rick Arbogast, Christos Cotsakos, Chris Westwood.

From left to right back row: George Johnsen, Walter Banks, Bobby “Doc” Edwards, Brad Jimerson, Neal Salsbery

Those in attendance:

Alden Stanley

Bobby “Doc” and Valerie Edwards

Brad and Cat Jimerson

Chris “Doc” and Merry Westwood

Christos Cotsakos

George Johnsen

Mike Lewellen and Son, Scott

Neal Salsbery

Rick Arbogast

Walt Banks

Willie Smith


Brad attaching two eagle feathers to eagle staff Dennis Wells made years ago. The eagle staff was sent home with Mike Lewellen this year



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