Clyde and Lavina Crossguns
Clyde is class of 68-69
Clyde, Lavina and their daughter Amber, came from Canada to attend the reunion
“To Jim & Sandy Duke, Dave, Cat, and all who helped organize the reunion (Great Job!) To all who attended thank you! My apologies for not coming sooner. To those I haven’t seen for 36/37 years, thanks for being there. To those in isolation, Come Home! To those searching for love ones (information, etc.) Thanks for keeping their memories alive! To those who have died in sacrifice for our country – Your memory is in my heart. From the reunion – I hurt less & understand myself more. To Dan Hefel (Pow), Chaplain Cherry, Edward Ramon, you have been my inspiraton – Company B Drive ON – to a better way of life. God bless each and everyone touched by the lost in Viet Nam. To members of my squad that have now retreated to the safety of your mind, it’s a comfortable place I know, but over there you never let any one down, please come to Portland in 2007 I miss you guys and I need to see you!!!”
Photo courtesy of Debbie Peterson
Trina and Doug Grier and Son Kris
Doug is class of 69-70
Doug and Trina were NEWLYWEDS, just having married on June 25th
“Fellow Eagles, friends and relatives, First I want you all to know that Sandy and Sgt. Duke put on an outstanding gathering of the Eagles reunion. Of course many thanks also to “Cat” the best webmaster in this world, Dave Reinheimer, the best man to get things done, and Debra Peterson for her work and efforts, especially the name tags. Finally thanks to all you Eagles who attended that made the weekend unforgettable a special time for my new bride Trina and my son Kris.
Photo courtesy of Debbie Peterson
Rick and Rosemary Browne
Rick is class of 68-69
Photo courtesy of Debbie Peterson
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