FSB PISTOL in the Elephant and Rum Rum Valleys, seven miles southeast of FSB Brick. Pistol was a temporary FSB. The only way in or out was by chopper.

From the Army Reporter, March 1971 – “Recently the 2nd Bn. (Ambl.), 501st Inf. and the 2nd Bn., 54th Regt. ARVN conducted a combined operation two miles north of the Ruong Ruong Valley, 25 miles south-southeast of Hue.”

The area of operation for the mission was approximately 20 square miles of rugged mountainous terrain located six miles northwest of the southern tip of the A Shau Valley. According to MAJ Jeff Chancey, El Paso, Tex., 2nd Brigade S-3, “This was an area which, in the past, was infested with enemy. However, the extensive and thorough search operation revealed no significant signs of enemy activity.”

Even though there were no signs of enemy activity, LTC Michael Boos, Fayetteville, N.C.,” 2/501 battalion commander, expressed continued high praise for the 54th ARVN Regiment’s ability to grasp the air mobility and search and attack concepts of the 101st.

“I am continually impressed with the calibre of the men of the 54th Regiment,” commented LTC Boos. “We have and are still learning from these men. We have definitely proven that American and ARVN soldiers can participate in combined military efforts to produce successful operations. This is the second successful mission we have completed in recent weeks.” LTC Boos indicated that mutual respect between the 2/501st and the 54th Regt. continues to grow as operations increase.

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