SSGT James Doyle Mace (KIA)
Date of Birth: 1/14/1949
Date of Casualty:4/9/1970
Home of Record: DESERET UT
Branch of Service: ARMY
Rank: SSGT
Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM
Casualty Province: THUA THIEN
James is honored on Panel 12W, Row 114 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC and is buried at Deseret City Cemetery in Deseret UT
“I was a fellow grunt of James. James was not long in Vietnam when our squad was hit. He was a good soldier. I will never forget all that were hit that day. Was with him that day in the Ashau Valley. Six man squad; Mace, Morales, Patchell, Bristow, Gates and me. We had assaulted the day before and it was a hot LZ. We set out on an ambush and got hit the next morning. Everyone in the squad got hit that day. I’m sorry that I could not save your life. You were a good combat soldier. All fought bravely. Still carry the scars from that firefight. 4-9-70 was a sad day. James, I miss you.”
~Lenard Blachly, 1st squad, 1st Plt
If you have photos or memories of Mace that you would like posted on this page, please email the webmaster