SP4 Jimmy Leon Green (KIA)
Date of Birth: 8/27/1946
Tour began: 6/14/68
Date of Casualty: 1/20/1969
Age at time of death: 22
Race: Caucasian
Religion: Baptist
Marital Status: Single
Home of Record: DUMAS TX
Branch of Service: ARMY
Rank: SP4
Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM
Casualty Province: THUA THIEN
Body was recovered
Jimmy is honored on Panel 34W, Row 41 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC and is buried at Dumas Cemetery in Dumas TX
“Almost everyone that knew him, liked him. He was one of the best people I have ever met. It tore my guts out when he was shot. I’m afraid I’ll never recover from the loss; a profound hurt.”
~Brian S. Williams
Jimmy Green, high school picture taken in 1965
Photo courtesy of John D. Thompson
“I knew Jimmy all through elementary school, junior high, and high school in Dumas, Texas. He was a year older than I and although we were not really close, we certainly knew each other. Jimmy was a good looking guy and although he was rather small in stature at that time, no one messed with Jimmy Green. He was one tough guy and as far as I could see, had no fear in him. He had a lot of brothers and sisters and I’m sure he thrived in the Army. I would like to know more about his Army service. He has often been on my mind and I salute him and all those who fought and died for me. What men they were. Rest in peace, Jimmy.”
CPT., United States Army (1969-1972)
If you have memories of Green that you would like posted on this page, please email the webmaster