CPT Kurt Walter Franzinger Jr (KIA)
Photo Courtesy of Ed Wick
Date of Birth: 5/14/1941
Tour began: 12/20/68
Date of Casualty: 6/12/1969
Age at time of death: 28
Race: Caucasian
Home of Record: MARTINSBURG WV
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital Status: Married
Branch of Service: ARMY
Rank: CAPT
Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM
Casualty Province: THUA THIEN
Body was recovered
He was KIA by mortar fire
Kurt is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Photo taken by A Horan. Used with her permission.
Kurt is honored on Panel 22W, Row 32 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
“Kurt was my XO when I returned from Vietnam. We became very close and when I married after the army, I and my wife spent two weeks with him, Gayle and son, Kurt Jr.I also attended his funeral in Arlington as his body escort.We were very close. LIKE BROTHERS…I have a picture of him and me when I turned over my command and was discharged from the Army. It is on the wall of my lake house. His wife lives in Little Rock AR, as does her son.”
~Captain Dennis Moorehead
“Capt. Franzinger took command of Company B/2/501st of the 101st Div. on the eave of our second invasion of the A Shau Valley that took us to Fire Base Airborne and Hamburger Hill. I’ll always remember his dynamic personality and the good will he had for his men.”
~James Duke
“A tree fallen the wrong way helped save my life when the mortars landed-you were not as lucky-thanks for teaching me how to survive.”
~Phil Hazen
If you have photos or memories of Franzinger that you would like posted on this page, please email the webmaster