CPL Robert Sidney Boggs (KIA)



Date of Birth: 01/3/1950
Tour began: 3/16/70
Date of Casualty: 4/29/1970
Age at time of death: 20
Marital Status: Single
Race: Caucasian
Religion: Church of Christ
Home of Record: FRANKFORD WV
Branch of Service: ARMY
Rank: CPL E4
Body was recovered
Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM
Casualty Province: THUA THIEN


Robert is honored on Panel 11W, Line 66 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial


“He walked slack one day and said he didn’t think he could kill anyone. His father was a minister; the same religion as I am. He wanted to claim contentious objector. I had sympathy for him because I didn’t like the idea of taking another life either. That is one reason that I decided to become a medic. He was to stay on FB Granite that night and talk to the Chaplain the next day. Bravo walked off the hill and we watched from a distant as the FB was overrun. Boggs lost his life that night. Note: I know that in war, to kill is not a sin. I know that in the 10 commandments it is clearly talking about murder. I really appreciate (love) the infantry, I owe my very life to them!”

~John Marks



If you have photos or memories of Boggs that you would like posted on this page, please email the webmaster


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